Lawn Mowing Service

Tips for Maintaining Your Lawns

A lush green lawn may look magnificent in your house’s landscape but maintaining them is not as easy as it looks. When the weather changes, one has to tweak their maintenance routine accordingly. The easiest and most effective way to take care of your lawn is to hire garden service.

If you love working on your garden, don’t worry, you just need to follow some basic rules for lawn maintenance. Sticking to a well-planned routine that includes watering, lawn mowing, and fertilisation routine will be sufficient to keep your lawns in good shape.

You just need to follow the right approach and everything will fall in line. The following tips will help you with maintaining your lawns.

  • Avoid Run-Offs

Whenever you find signs of any puddle formation or run-off while watering your lawns, turn off your sprinkler and find a new spot for it. If the water runs off before it gets soaked, then you should turn off the sprinkle for at least 20 mins. This will allow the soil to absorb the water properly.

  • Know When to Water Your Lawn

While watering your lawn, you need to be careful with its timing. Morning time is considered the best time for watering grass. It gives the soil an ample amount of time for proper use. If you water it at a later time, the high-rising sun will simply evaporate the water. Watering your lawn at night is not advisable either, as the lawn needs the sun for photosynthesis. It can also make the lawn environment moist, which can create other issues.

  • Mow Your Lawn Properly

Get into the habit of mowing the lawn every two or three weeks. It will help to keep your lawn healthy and dense. Additionally, a well-kept lawn will not attract weed formation. During summer, raise the height of your lawnmower to give your lawn a dense look.  The best length for grass is 2.5 to 3 inches. It will provide a natural shade to the soil, preventing it from drying out. If you always stay busy with your work and can’t do this chore, then you can hire mowing services for scheduled sessions.

  • Fertilise Your Lawn

Plants need nutrients and they get them from the soil. Now, if your lawn’s soil is not properly fertilised, then it can create a problem for the grass. So, you need to fertilise the lawn on a yearly basis. For that, you need a fertiliser spreader. This little piece of equipment helps you to evenly spread the fertiliser across the lawn. Always make sure that you are keeping the fertiliser away from any water sources, lawn edges or vegetable/flower gardens.

  • Aerate

A healthy lawn requires two things to keep itself aerated: oxygen and water.  Aeration is the process of perforating the soil on a yearly basis to improve compaction. This process makes way for air, water and nutrients to go deeper into the soil. You can use a garden fork and insert it at every 15cm of intervals of the entire lawn. Make sure that you water the lawn two days before the aeration process.

  • Remove Weeds

The weed formation can disrupt a landscape and can affect the growth of grass and other plants. Remove the weeds immediately after you spot them. You can pull them out along with their roots by hand or by a handheld weeder or hoe. If you notice that they are widespread across the lawn, then use a herbicide like glyphosate. You need to be careful while applying them as they are effective only when there are weeds on your lawn.


So, there you have it – simple yet effective tips to maintain your lawn. These tips will help you keep your lawn beautiful throughout the year. You can always come up with new ways of maintaining a lawn but these tips will always be effective.

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